More Logic From A Die Hard Democrat

Mike Brown’s commentary in Friday’s addition to the Star Democrat needs a response. By reading his articles over the past months a person can see he is a diehard Democrat and it makes no difference what is done in this country for the good if a Democrat did not do it or propose it then Mr. Brown, being a good Democrat, will be against it. This even includes articles about Republican campaign signs which he also wrote an article about in one of his past articles. So we have gone from campaign signs to treason in about a week. As an independent voter, I am not for or against any political party but some articles can go a little too far. All politicians make mistakes and they also say some things they wish they never said, but that does not make them a criminal. Shall we put Hillary Clinton and other Democrats on the list as criminals to be investigated for things they have done wrong or lied about?  Or should they get a pass because after all, their last name is not Trump?

Mr. Brown suggests that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to our country. Mr. Brown also suggests correcting this problem about President Trump that we vote for Democrats in November so Democrats can take back Congress and launch real investigations into President Trump’s crimes and misdeeds. Sad to say he has named the Democrats agenda for the upcoming election. That is how bad the Democrats and some Republicans hate President Trump. They would rather run on a platform of “HATE TRUMP” than the problems facing our country.

And who are the Democrats that we should vote for? Should we vote for Hillary Clinton (A proven liar and is a criminal), Nancy Pelosi (who said we must sign it to know what is in it), Maxine Waters (What can you say just a plain nut), or maybe we can find another president like Barry Soetoro, aka Barrack Obama (Who is a proven liar and a deceiver) to be our leaders to investigate Donald Trump? Yes, let us take Mr. Brown’s idea because we need leaders like them to finish what they started years ago.

As an independent, I will vote for Trump if he runs again because he is truly making this country of ours great again with jobs, Security, and a sense of pride for our country. I am glad that Donald Trump is not a member of the Swamp in Washington where the Democrats, Republicans, lobbyist, progressives, socialist, and the behind the scenes elites are because I then would have some problem with him. We need to use common sense when we use the word criminal because we would have to add many politicians to that. The list is long and the swamp is full so we will not go there in this short space.

I am a diehard American who believes in this great country of ours. I also believe Donald Trump is the man to move this country forward just as Kennedy did back in the Sixties. After all the crying and hate speeches and at the end of his second term Americans will see how great of a job he has done and that is the way history will record it.

America The two Sided Country

There is a question we all need to think about. It makes no difference if you are a republican, democrat, conservative, or liberal. The question is so important and it is for the American people to think on. “WHAT HAS HAPPEN TO AMERICA?” Is this the same America we all grew up in or are we missing something. Are we a two-sided country? If we look at how things are done in this country that is exactly what we are.

If a white man does not like a black man the white man is a racist. If a black man does not like a white man it is their first amendment right. If an American citizen tells a lie to congress they will be arrested for committing a crime. If a senator lies to the citizen it is called politics. The federal government using the taxpayers’ money spends untold amounts of money on prisons and prisoners, but not a cent on their victims. We can kill a helpless unborn child in the mother’s womb, but people will protest the execution of a mass murder or the killing of a wild animal in some other country. We can use the fetus of an unborn child but you had better not use that of an animal because it would be called animal cruelty.  In the public schools, our children are taught the homosexual is okay, but you had better not mention God’s name in the process or bring a Bible to school.

We do not burn books like some countries did some decades ago. We just re-write history to our liking and make new books. We got rid of the communist and the socialist threat in this country. That was easy. We now call them progressives. Something else I do not understand. For decades American soldiers have been protecting the South Korean border while we cannot protect our own border with Mexico from drugs, illegal immigrants, and gangs that will kill you in a heartbeat.

If you protested against Barrack Hassan Obama’s policies you were a traitor to this country, but if a person burns an American Flag or a statue of Donald Trump it is their 1st amendment right. The TV, movie theatres, and the internet is loaded with pornography and all sort of filth for our kids to see but you had better not put a nativity scene, a cross, or anything to do with Jesus Christ or Christmas in any public place.

The government takes money from the people who work and gives it to people who do not work. Now in some cases that is the thing to do because some people need help. If a person is disabled we should help them. Sad to say over half the people could work but will not work in a pie shop testing pies. We call riots protest when in fact it is breaking the law. The burning of buildings and destroying property is not protesting. It is breaking the law. The only thing not stolen in a shoe store, during riots, is the work boots. Our country has become a country of handouts for the “WHAT YOU GOING TO GIVE ME” crowd.

All Americans will say they support our constitution but the fact is half the people will only support it when it supports whatever their agenda is and as far as freedom of speech goes you had better be politically correct.  Our kids are being dumbed down by Ritalin when a large percentage does not need Ritalin, only correction and discipline. Kids are started on video games at an early age and the older they become the more violet the games become. America’s children are the future of this country. Parents need to bring them up in the way they should go.  America’s downfall will not come from Russia, China, or some other country it will come from within.